Dementia is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to think, remember and reason. It is often a devastating diagnosis for all involved and planning the next steps of dementia care can be intimidating.

At Ardtully, we understand the impact dementia can have on a person and their loved ones and want to help families during this time.

If you suspect a loved one has dementia, there are some key symptoms you can look out for. There are things you can do to comfort dementia sufferers and help them deal with the confusion they are feeling. It’s important to note that symptoms will vary from person to person.


Loss of memory

Loss of memory can be one of the most common symptoms of dementia. A person with dementia may forget recent events or conversations, struggle to remember names, and misplace items.

This can initially seem upsetting for family members and friends, but it’s important to remember that it’s not personal and these things can change from day to day.

Struggling to communicate

Finding the right words or following conversation can be difficult and sufferers may also struggle to understand written or spoken instructions.

By involving them directly in conversations and speaking more slowly, you can help them stay included in social interactions. Make sure instructions are straightforward and repeat them to help the person remember.

Spatial awareness is impacted

You may find your loved one is struggling with their visual and spatial abilities and that can affect things like driving. They may get lost more easily and find it harder to park their car on a driveway or within a parking space.

At some point, driving is no longer a viable option and it can help for relatives to look out for warning signs that this is the case.

Changes in mood and behaviour

Anxiety, agitation and depression are just some of the symptoms associated with dementia. Confusion or disorientation are common and dementia can change the personality of a sufferer, making them unrecognisable sometimes. Patience is the key, as getting angry can only aggravate the situation.

Daily activities become more difficult

Everyday tasks such as getting dressed, grooming or cooking can become daunting for those with dementia.

Recognising problem tasks for sufferers of dementia and helping with them can make life easier. It can sometimes feel frustrating that they can no longer do these things themselves, so always approach the situation sensitively.

What can you do to help those with dementia?

At Ardtully we have a unique programme of care for dementia sufferers, which ensures they are as comfortable as possible everyday.

Based in Ingatestone, Essex, our staff are trained to communicate effectively with dementia sufferers, creating a calming environment to ease discomfort. We take the time to get to know the families of our residents and provide help and support in every way we can.

We provide assistance with everyday activities, helping your loved one to remain independent and maintain their quality of life. This includes visits from loved ones and we ensure residents have a private space to enjoy time with visitors.

Looking for a home for your loved one?

If you’d like to hear more about our Ingatestone based home, our team would love to speak to you. To contact us, call 01277 353 888 or fill out our contact form and a member of the team will be in touch. You can also stay up to date with the latest news on our Facebook page.

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